Free Counseling is available to you virtually or in person. Please call 847-870-8181. We are here to listen.

Hopeful Beginnings of St. Mary’s Services was established in 1887, with the vision of providing every child a good home. We continue this mission with adoption services and maternity counseling services.

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Mother’s – Not Good Enough?

Not Good Enough If you’re like me, you’ve yelled at your kids. If you’re like me, you’ve felt so overstimulated at times you think you may combust into a million pieces. If you’re like me, you’ve impatiently and unrealistically hurried your little ones thru the putting-shoes-on-process. If you’re like me, you’ve begged, “PLEASE….

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Power of Journaling

The power of Journaling   Perhaps you were one of those teens who wrote her little heart out listening to sad music until your hand hurt. Or maybe you were never into writing and cannot even fathom why someone would willingly write. Regardless, you’re an adult now, a mom, a busy person. You…

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Tired Parents of a Newborn

“YOU’RE tired? I’M tired!” The newborn stage can be difficult for a variety of reasons. As mothers, we can usually understand our newborn’s frustration as they are new to the world and are too cute for us to be too irritated with them for too long. What we may struggle with more is…

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Pregnancy and Infant Loss

The world of perinatal mental health is full of unknowns. From gestation to delivery to parenting, the variables are endless. After several years working in this field, one place I did not expect to find some of my most surprising moments is within the realm of grief and loss specifically. Whether due to…

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The End of January

The End of January… It’s common to jump into the beginning of January with renewed energy in pursuit of a fresh start. There’s nothing wrong with riding the waves of motivation. I say, go for it! Just be gentle with yourself when there’s a lull. Life in general is full of waves, crests,…

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