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Grief & Loss Counseling after losing a baby

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Grief & Loss Counseling after losing a baby

Grief and Loss Counseling

Grief is a normal process for many circumstances that a mother has gone through.  Women who have had a miscarriage and oftentimes, their partners have a life changing sense of grief.  It is important to have grief counseling from a specialist who is educated in this type of counseling.  Years ago, having a miscarriage was hidden and not spoken about.  Friends and family would tell the mother and father that the child was meant not to live or it’s better that the child died as they probably would have had special needs.  A stillbirth or having a child die soon after birth is in the same category.  People don’t mean to be cruel, but people either don’t address it or they say the wrong thing.  It is important that women be educated to address these people with appropriate responses.  It is OK and more than appropriate for parents to grieve.  Someone answered a woman when asked how long does grief take?  Everyone grieves in different ways and the timeframe is different.  It is nice to go to counseling if this happens as the isolation that occurs afterwards disappears.  You have a professional therapist to address these things with.  We do grief and loss for women who chose to place their children for adoption.  Again, this can be anywhere from 6 months to 2 years.  Birth mothers who place at Hopeful Beginnings have a lifelong resource in our counseling.  We also provide grief and loss counseling for women who had an abortion.  The circumstances surrounding the abortion may be that the husband forced the wife to have an abortion for various reasons.  The wife may not have felt the same way but the pressure was too much to bear.  Then, afterwards, she realized what she did and feels guilty and may isolate herself from others.

If you or someone that you know is in need of grief and loss counseling please call our office at 847.870.8181


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