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Pregnancy counseling


Pregnancy counseling

Pregnancy, as much as you want it to happen, there is a sense of shock, disbelief, and the feeling of you may not be ready!  These are normal feelings by both you and your partner.  You may even think about feeling this is an unplanned pregnancy.  Even when you may be involved with IVF, you may not be ready for multiple children.  Again, normal, normal, normal! You may put a happy face on for family and friends, but inside, you doubt your ability as a mom to parent.  If you didn’t have the perfect childhood or parents (no one has a picture perfect life), you may feel that you didn’t have a role model for you to follow.  Putting a different spin on your feelings, you know how NOT to be.  You can change your experience and spin it to creating yourself to be the parent that you want to be.  A counselor can help you change the old images in your head by talking about creating your vision of what you consider to be a positive parent.  The counselor can advise you and assess where you are at and where you want to go.  Counseling may change your entire spin on being the best parent that you can be.  Homework, such as journaling, practice exercises, role playing, and other techniques are easy to help you emerge not only as the parent you want to be, but the positive person that you want to be.  If you are motivated, do the homework you can change.  This is a perfect time in your life to make that change.  Change occurs when people are ready.  Parenthood is a major time and major transition that you are going through. Counselors can help you when you are considering pregnancy, during and after your pregnancy.!podcast



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