Ethnicity: Caucasian
Education:Kevin has a B.S. in Business Management. Christine has a B.S. in Integrated Marketing Communication and a certificate to teach Early Childhood Education.
Professions: Kevin is an Operations Manager. Christine is an Account Manager for commercial insurance.
When did you meet and month/year of marriage: We met in September of 2016 and got married in August of 2019.
Religion: Christian
Information on your home/community: We live in a 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath house located in a small suburban town, on the corner of a quiet street. We have a small playground in our fenced-in yard, and just feet away from the lake.
Number of children: None
Pets: We have two rescue dogs. A mini German Shepherd mix and a Red Australian Cattle Dog. They’re best friends and give many cuddles.
Desired contact with a birth family: The level of communication and contact can be tailored to what feels right for all of us. Whether through photos, letters, or visits, you will have a place in your child’s life if you wish.
In one sentence, why do you want to adopt a child? Our dream is to become parents and we want to provide a stable, loving home for a child.
Childhood Memory:Kevin: Going with his dad and brothers on snowmobile trips.
Christine: Learning how to ride a bike with her dad.
TV Show/Movie: Kevin: Star Wars and Home Improvement
Christine: Twilight and The Office
Book: Kevin: Under the Overpass
Christine: Jane Eyre
Hobby: Kevin: Riding dirtbikes, bowling and home improvements.
Christine: Teaching dance, working out, and reading.
Food: Kevin: Macaroni and cheese
Christine: Dark chocolate
Vacation: Our honeymoon to Costa Rica. We went four wheeling, swam in waterfalls, high roping through the forest, and met amazing native Costa Ricans.
Family Tradition: Kevin: Kevin’s family deliberately sings “Happy Birthday” terribly.
Christine: Christine’s dad visits as “Santa Claus” every year and hands out gifts.
Holiday Memory: Hosting Easter together and walking through the Chicago Zoo Christmas light festival at night.
Fun Facts: We collect fridge magnets from the places we have visited and sea shells.