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What I learned working in the adoption field


natalie baby and dog


When I first announced that I was taking the Executive Director job here at Hopeful Beginnings one of the first questions I was asked was if we provided counseling for woman experiencing fertility issues. The answer to this question is not straightforward. No, we do not offer counseling specifically for infertility, but we…

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infant boy

To All Birth Mothers

There are many voices out there, whether other adoptees, previous birth mothers, adoptive parents, or the general public. They all have their story regarding adoption and its impact on their life. If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy and trying to research more about adoption, you may be feeling confused and frightened by…

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Dad and blond child

Being a great dad means caring

Being a great Dad means caring, compassionate love every day, noticing your children and what they like, and being inquisitive about the different things that are meaningful to them.  They adore your attention and know when you are truly with them, not only physically, but rather when you are completely “in the moment…

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