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Safe Haven Law for Babies


baby crawling

ChildProofing Your Home

    My information  is taken from “What to expect when you are expecting,” by Heidi Murkoff.  I have recommended her books for years!  I will cover crawling, standing and walking. Crawling Safety    Congratulations — and welcome to a whole new phase of babyhood! Now that your infant has mastered movement on…

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screaming baby with mom

Shaken Baby Syndrome

Discipline/Shaken Baby Syndrome/Positive Reinforcement Shaken Baby Syndrome is also known as Abusive Head Trauma. This can take place within the home by relatives, friends, and Care Givers in a Day Care Situation, or a Home Day Care. According to Wilkepia: Shaken baby syndrome (SBS), also known as abusive head trauma (AHT), is an…

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child sexual abuse stats 1

Reducing the risk of sexual abuse in children

Child sexual abuse has become a true public health issue worldwide but especially so here in the United States. Wide-scale public health issues like this need to be addressed on all levels, including national, state, and local. With that being said, the first place to teach children about difficult topics such as sexual…

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mom flowers kids

Birth Mother’s Day

Birth Mother’s Day this year is May 8th. Many people are not aware of this day. Adoptive families may be aware, but uncertain of how to observe it. Birth Mother’s Day was created in 1990 by a group of birth mothers (Silber, 2019), but what does observance of this day mean to the…

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self care

Self Care during Covid

Self-Care and good weather coming…. As Social Workers and Hospital Professionals, our days become fast-paced and hectic. We all have different relaxation activities to unwind and relax our bodies and mind. During the current pandemic, there have been so many changes with our social gatherings as well as our everyday routines. These changes…

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birth mom

Birth Mother

I’m pregnant…but I’m not the kind of person I thought would ever be a birth mom – Who really is a Birth Mom? By: Olivia Espinosa The word “adoption” may be coming into a more favorable light, but the label of “birth mother” can still be looked upon with judgment and stigma. Hollywood…

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